Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Harper criticized, praised for G20 conduct


            The Prime Minister has not represented Canada well at any time, let alone at the G20 Summit, says Malpeque MP Wayne Easter.

            The economic summit was held Sept. 24-25 in Pittsburgh. The leaders of the 20 largest global economies met to discuss foregin policy and other global issues.

              Easter has not been impressed with the way Stephen Harper has been dealing with other world leaders.

            “His pattern of avoiding productive communication with other countries is appalling, especially with respect to action on climate change.”

            Not all Liberal MPs are completely unsatisfied with Harper’s diplomatic conduct. Charlottetown MP Shawn Murphy commended the prime minister’s decision to not attend Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s speech at the UN.

            “He made the right choice.”

            Although he agreed with this decision, Murphy said he did not agree with Harper’s choice to leave the summit a day early.

            “He didn’t stick around for the last day for the enviromental talks because he has no plan for Canada when it comes to dealing with climate change. It’s disappointing that he doesn’t have anything to say.”  

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