Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Harper's update didn't do job, MP

By Casssandra Bernard

Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s recent economic update was more like a report card, Liberal MP Shawn Murphy says.

Murphy expects to hear the real update sometime this November from the federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty.

“The report was a lot of talk, it did not address any jobs preserved and did not answer questions of how much money is being spent.”

Provincial Education Minister Gerard Greenan said he has been too busy to go over what Harper included in his report card.

“He has made a turnaround though, inviting people and working with other parties.”

Murphy said the report Harper released should have outined what taxpayers’ dollars have been spent on.

“This is fiscal money we would like to see be spend quickly and wisely.”

Murphy said Harper did not give any assurances any money has been spent.

“It doesn’t show us anything at all.”

That said, people do not want another election, Murphy said.

“That is very loud and clear.”

Greenan said it would be in his best interest, as a Liberal, to be on the winning side. But he agrees now is no time for a federal election.

“It is not the best time to go with an election.”

 “I think we should let the year ride out. Economically, we should be on firmer ground before we go with an election and keep in mind the people’s best interest.”

Recently, the NDP made a decision to supported the Harper government by not showing up to the non-confidence vote. The vote failed to pass.

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