Wednesday, October 14, 2009

P.E.I. Wildlife Federation needs more local support


Fall hunters can expect the migratory waterfowl season to be on par with recent years.

The season started Oct. 5.

Wade Lewis of Ducks Unlimited said this summer season was favourable for nesting.

“The reports of waterfowl from Central and Atlantic Canada have all been good. There were several sighting of early broods across P.E.I.”

On Oct. 1, roughly 30 hunters and fishers turned out to hear a variety of presentations at the Farm Centre.

The P.E.I. Wildlife Federation hosted the presentations.

Bruce Smith, president of the Wildlife Federation, said the meeting was a success.

“Salmon conservation, fowl identification and bag limits were the key presentations,” he said.

Presenters included Todd Dupuis of the Atlantic Salmon Federation, Dwaine Oakley of Holland College’s wildlife conservation technology program and Randy Dibblee, a provincial government biologist.

Also at the meeting was Gerald MacDougall, P.E.I. environment ministry’s fish and wildlife manager.

The meeting was excellent, but he was disappointed in the attendance numbers considering the calibre of the speakers, he said.

The subjects covered included salmon habitat enhancement by restocking the Souris River, how hunters can identify with the different species of waterfowl and a discussion on how many ducks people are allowed to hunt without having a huge impact on the duck population.

“If Islanders want a voice they need to come hear these presentations and support these federations,” said MacDougall.

Smith agrees.

Considering Europe’s strong anti-hunting and fishing stand, the federation needs the support of local hunters and fishers, he said.

“We are in need a strong lobby group for P.E.I.”

Regulations for firearms have not changed for Islanders, but the wildlife federation  continues to work with the firearms office to establish a guns habitat program.

Smith said this is a program where people can donate unwanted firearms.

 “The money generated from an auction of those firearms will go towards purchasing more wildlife habitat.”

P.E.I. wildlife federations plans to host another meeting in January or February. 

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