Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Parents play role in Internet safety


            Parents play a big role in protecting their children from the dangers of the internet, says a member of the Summerside police force.

            Detective Corporal  Joe Peters said they investigate cases of luring two or three times a year, but they get calls from parents almost every day concerned about sites or emails recieved by their children.

            It is usually up to the parents to educate their children about using the internet safely, Peters said.

            “Parents should put the computer in a open room like a living room, not a bedroom. This is so that kids won’t go on things they shouldn’t because they know a family member can come up behind them and look over their shoulder.”

            When you post personal info or pictures on the Internet there is no way for police or anyone to retrieve it, Peters said,

            “Kids shouldn’t do any financial work on the Internet without a parent there with them, and when kids are on chat rooms they should stay in a public one and never go to a private one.”

            Parents need to be involved with their kids when it comes to Internet safety, Peters said.

            “Parents should talk to their kids about issues that come up on the Internet.”

            Brian Langille, a computer technician for Charlotettown Centre’s Holland College, said there are plenty of blocks parents can use on their computers to keep their kids safe.

            “Netnanny is the most popular one out there and the most recommended.”

            Facebook should have better guidelines Langille said.

            “There should be an age requirement of at least 13. And a strict policy about photos for the younger ones.”  

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