Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Liberal MPs can no longer support Harper


            Stephen Harper, as a leader of a minority government, should work cooperatively with the other parities to help all Canadians, but he just doesn’t get it, says Malpeque MP Wayne Easter.

            The comment came in early October after Liberal Party leader Michael Ignatieff said he had lost faith in the Conservative government when it come issues such as the economy.

            Ignatieff wants to become prime minister after the next federal election so he make changes in the national economy, said Easter.

            “The Conservative government puts politics ahead of people. It does not use the stimulus funding as a vital means during difficult economic conditions. Nor does it see the EI (employment insurance) as the fundamental and critical part of our social infrasturcture necessary at a time of complex economic conditions.”

            The Conservatives have used the infrastructure spending and EI as a political tool, said the Liberal MP.

            “A blunt instrument to divide Canadians and to divide Parliament as part of a strategic ploy hatched to distribute false and misleading information to Canadians.”

            Harper’s government is using false statistics and never allows facts or truth to get in his way of dividing the country, Easter said.

            These are  the traits of this government, he said.

            “I believe Parliament should be a place to debate ideas and form consenus. However, instead we are witnessing Conservative members stalling valuable committee work, creating unnecessary delays and bringing nothing to the table. I personally believe this is intentional.”

             Canada was experiencing economic prosperity when the Liberals held the prime minister’s office, Easter said

            “The Harper government inherited a $12 billion surplus from the Liberals and because of their poor fiscal management we can expect to have a $165 billion deficit in five years.”

            P.E.I. has been affacted by what he feels is the government’s mismanaging of the economy, Easter said.

            “It is important to remember that it was only one year ago that the Conservatives were still projecting  surpluses. Only a few months later they acknowledge a $34-billion deficit. They are now estimating $59 billion.”

            It might appear the Conservatives are providing more money than ever, but they are not, said Easter.

            “In an effort to influence the public, they are making announcements and then making re-announcements about the exact same funding time and time again. We cannot trust a government that completely misleads Canadians.”

            The Liberal Party can restore Canada’s fiscal integrity, as history shows, Easter said

            “Unlike Stephen Harper, Mr. Ignatieff and the Liberal Party of Canada believe in a strong national government. We offer Canadians sound fiscal management, social eqaulity, and justice for all provinces and Canadians. A Liberal government would be honest and transparent with the public on program costing, as any good government should.”

             Charlottetown Liberal MP Shawn Murphy said the Conservative’s stimulus package is helpful to Canadians in some areas but weak in others.

            “The unemployment rate is a real problem with 500,000 Canadians being unemployed. There is also the $60 billion deficit that has to be paid back.”

            P.E.I. hasn’t been hit as hard as other provinces by the economic downturn but the province has taken a hit in the manufacturing base, Murphy said

            “The manufacturing base includes the mining, forestry, and lobster fishing industries, which are effected by the economic downturn. The lobster fishery suffered a 25 per cent price drop.”

            Ignatieff would make stronger investments in the manufacturing base, such as the forestry, and would also make sure Canadian workers would have emploment insurance, said Murphy.

            “Mr. Ignatieff would also stimulate the economy by strengthening the green job market.” 

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