Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Moon crash looks for water


            It’s exciting to know there could be water on the moon, says a member of the Athena  Community Astronomy Club.

            Ron Perry of Summerside  was among  those planning to watch as NASA sent a used spacecraft crashing into the moon Oct.9.

            It’s a wonderful opportunity, Perry said.

            “We get to see if there is water and or ice there on the moon.”

            Finding water is crucial, Perry said.

            “If there is water, it could provide a drinking source once you separate the particles and make sure it’s safe. And it could very well be an exciting development for the future of space development.”

            A trustee of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, Randy Attwood of Ontario, said it could help out astronomers.

            “It could confirm theories and possibly even generate new ones.”

 He would not get to see it but others could, Attwood said.

“Amateur astronomers hope it will be clear out west so they can set up their own telescopes. Since it will still be dark they might or might not be abe to see it. But you never know unless you look.”

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