Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Tanning bed owners don’t want restriction

By Jaclyn Crawford

It isn’t right for the government to take away informed consent, says a Montague tanning salon owner about The Medical Society of P.E.I.’s suggestion to restrict tanning byminors.

Susie Kemp, owner of Susie’s Sunshine, is one of many tanning bed owners who don’t want to see the change.

Many tanning bed owners today are better educated and will limit and regulate exposure, especially for minors, Kemp said.

“I require parental consent from everyone under the age of 18 that walks through my door,” she said.

Kathy MacKinnon, owner of Kathy’s Beauty Salon in Charlottetown, agrees.

Tanning bed regulations aren’t something the government should be sticking its noses into, she said.

“The government shouldn’t tell people how to run their businesses.”

Even if the motion did pass, it would be hard to regulate, MacKinnon said.

However, Marla Delaney the prevention and public issues manager at the P.E.I. branch of the Canadian Cancer Society disagrees.

Regulating the tanning bed laws would be no different for the department of health to regulate than salons and tattoo parlors, said Delaney.

P.E.I. has one of the highest rates of skin Cancer in Canada, and Atlantic Canada has a higher exposure rate than anywhere else in the country, according to a recent survey, she said.

Because of this, the Canadian Cancer Society favors banning the use of tanning beds for minors and wants to increase regulation and licencing for tanning bed owners.

“We’re hoping to see the support of the government and we’re willing to work with tanning associations to make it easier,” said Delaney.

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